AutoCAD - Customer Error Reporting (CER)
08 June 2006
Autodesk software products are known for their high quality. But even the best software contains software defects that may occasionally cause your system to close unexpectedly. When a software error occurs, Autodesk’s Customer Error Reporting (CER) makes it easy for you to send the details of the software error to Autodesk for analysis.
CER Workflow Diagram
This diagram provides an overview of how Customer Error Reporting works.
Click on the image for details.
How CER Works
The Customer Error Report dialog box appears whenever the Autodesk product you are using closes unexpectedly. If you choose to send an error report to Autodesk, the CER feature records the portion of program that was in use when the error occurred, the recent command history, and basic system information. In addition, you can include your e-mail address and a step-by-step description in the report. The customer error report is sent to Autodesk over a secure internet connection.
When Autodesk receives the error report, automated systems sort the reports so that Autodesk developers can review them. Reports are then analyzed and errors are prioritized based on their severity and the number of customers affected by a problem.
Once a software error is believed to be fixed, it is included in either a future maintenance update or the next release of the product. Autodesk also notifies those customers who initially reported the error and included their email address in the customer error report.
What Information Is Collected
- Operating system name and version
- Autodesk product name, version, and serial number
- Graphics configuration driver name and version
- List of applications loaded when an error occurs
- List of recent Autodesk commands
- Portion of Autodesk program in memory when an error occurs
In addition to the above information, you may choose to include the following optional information:
- E-mail address: if provided by the customer in the Customer Error Report dialog box
- Step-by-step description of the error: if provided by the customer in the Customer Error Report dialog box
- Computer name: if enabled with the Deployment wizard or the CAD Manager Control utility
Much more functionality with CER reporting might be added in the future for some very nice things in addition to the current alert letting you know a service pack is available now for your AutoCAD that could fix your problem. For example we could let you know if a specific fix or solution is available for your error. So many possibilities so please send in those CER reports so we can research the issues you are experiencing and include any known steps or an email so we can contact you. In the end the main thing is that this makes the products much more stable and error proof and improves the product underlying code and performance.