144 posts categorized "AutoCAD Products"

Fast Company Recognizes Autodesk with Four 2018 ‘Innovation by Design’ Honors

More than 398 companies, projects and products were submitted to Fast Company’s 2018 “Innovation by Design” awards honoring creative work at the intersection of design, business and innovation across many industries, including fashion, architecture, graphic design and data visualization, social... Read more →

Autodesk 2016 Products Suite Spot

Autodesk 2016 Design & Creation Suites Now Announced SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADSK) today announced the release of the new Autodesk 2016 Design Suites that offer more control than ever over all aspects of the design-to-make process through a connected desktop and cloud user experience. Autodesk design and creation suites provide customers with expanded toolsets, unique interoperability and a consistent user experience. Read more →