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Learn About the Autodesk AI Lab

Autodesk AI Lab Unlocks a New Era of AI-powered Design Tools

Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic, and Autodesk is also looking into how we can intelligently utilize AI and machine learning to solve customer challenges.  Find out about the new Autodesk AI Lab from the Director of AI Research at Autodesk Tonya Curtis, and what they are researching and papers they have submitted.

“Formed in 2018 as a part of Autodesk Research, the Autodesk AI Lab conducts fundamental and applied research in AI and machine learning with an aim to unlock a new era of AI-powered design tools for our customers. We’re committed to growing our reputation in the AI research community by expanding our teams, partnering with notable organizations, and publishing cutting-edge AI research.”

Autodesk AI Lab Unlocks a New Era of AI-powered Design Tools
