Last week I was out a great deal, not only due to the US Holiday but also because I had an unplanned surgery on Tuesday morning. I went in for my annual physical check-up, and while I passed with flying colors, there was one issue noted, my doctor found out I had a hernia.
I’m all good now, but one thing I would suggest is not being overly-optimistic about how easy a surgery may be and keeping plans to fly to spend time with family the very next day. After the surgery, I felt fine, but I was unaware there was a pain pack left in that was time released. By the next day, I was hurting, and it took everything in me to get to the airport with luggage and fly an hour then an hour bus ride. Would I change anything, maybe delay the surgery until a week after travel.
All in all, it was worth every wince in pain to spend time with my youngest son, his wife, and my grandson for Thanksgiving as well as a visit to the Museum of Glass. I am also healing up and will be ready for the ski season in a week.