Collaborative Future at the Reimagined Smithsonian Arts + Industries Building
Arabic Language in Autodesk Community

I'm Vaccinated!

Photo of board where people placed their stickers they had to wear with their waiting times after vaccination.

(above) Photo of board where people placed their stickers they had to wear with their waiting times after vaccination.

I have had both vaccination shots of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. While I had some minor side effects like low energy and aches in joints on the first vaccination, with the second I really hydrated myself for the second and had virtually no side effects other than minor discomfort in my arm for 24 hours. I do hope you too get vaccinated when offered so that we can all get back to a safer global world closer to where we were over a year ago before the pandemic and also minimize risk and virus mutations.

My personal tips from medical friends on vaccination:

  • Get hydrated 24 hours before and after. They suggested using electrolyte beverages like Gatorade, Pedialyte, etc.
  • Don't drink alcohol before or immediately afterwards.
  • Don't take ibuprofen or other pain aids that suppress inflammation or immune response. You want your body to react and respond to build the antibodies in the largest amounts.
  • Pleas just do it so we can see each other in person in the future an also protect our communities and world.
