20+ Fusion 360 Additive Manufacturing Tutorials
Something is Coming to Autodesk Community

One Year Ago


One year ago, we gathered in Zoom for a Digital Happy Hour to deal with the quarantine and isolation together to laugh,to talk about the fear, to toast, and mostly to connect. We had no idea it would last this long and those that we have lost in the past year. I will never forget rewarding with ice cream a young daughter of a participant to present to all of us on her LEGO architecture.

Here was my invite text:
”Bring a drink, a pet, a story, something funny and positive.  Word has it we could have some nice surprises like perhaps a real-live hedgehog and a child’s report on a LEGO city design in exchange for ice cream. Wear something fun, use a fun creative background in Zoom, or try the free Snap Camera to add some fun objects to your webcam like a cat on your head.”

Here are some of the images and we did about 3 of these Happy Hours.

Here to light at the end of the tunnel in dealing with the COVID virus and immunization. What a difficult and challenging year, and for some it was far worse. I too got COVID in March last year, and luckily got through it although it was by far the worst fever and virus I have ever had.

We all need to stay connected. Regardless if we are together in person, or only digitally and on different parts of the globe, we are still a community.

Thank you,
