Happy New Year - 2021
Achieving Better Additive Manufacturing Outcomes in Generative Design

Teachers Looking for STEM or Maker Curriculum for Young Students

Teaching with Tinkercad webinar

Join the next Teaching with Tinkercad webinar on Thursday, January 14th at 4pm pacific. They will covering some basics and also take a deeper look at teaching electronics using Tinkercad Circuits.

Sign up Here: https://www.autodesk.com/campaigns/teaching-with-tinkercad

What is Tinkercad you may ask? It is fun web based free 3D design program. Tinkercad is used by millions of teachers, kids, hobbyists, and designers to imagine, design, and make anything!

Check out Tinkercad here, its fun and great for 4-100 year old kids. https://www.tinkercad.com/
