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Throwback Thursday – AutoCAD-80 version 1.2 Circa 1982

I may have found someone with the oldest AutoCAD release software outside of Autodesk. Of course internally we had early 1.0 alphas, betas, and development copies that were never released. In fact AutoCAD-80 and AutoCAD-86 version 1.0 was never commercially released. I found a early AutoCAD customer with AutoCAD-80 version 1.2 from 1982 for the CP/M operating system on an 8” floppy disk. I recognize many may be younger than this floppy disk, and may not have ever seen one except for the Save icon.

I hope to provide more details on this collection and its preservation, but here is a provided photo from Tom Harvey.

AutoCAD-80 version 1.2 Circa 1982

Thank you Tom for sharing and wanting to preserve and share this amazing piece of Autodesk history with others. If anyone else is cleaning out their attic and runs across old Autodesk software or memorabilia and wants to preserve and share it, please reach out to me.

