AEC Excellence Awards 2020 Winners
21 October 2020
Congratulations to all of the inspiring winning projects, and all of those companies and projects that were nominated.
AEC Excellence Awards 2020 Winners: Reimagination During Extraordinary Times
Wajdi Mereb, BIM Manager, RTA, United Arab Emirates
Infrastructure Design – Small Project (less than $100 Million)
Winning project: Chandrawal Water Supply Project – 477 MLD Advanced Water Treatment Plant
RWS & UWWM-EDRC, WWW SBG, WET-IC, L&T Construction, India
Infrastructure Design – Medium Project ($100 Million – $500 Million)
Winning project: Route E39, The Coastal Highway
Norconsult, Norway
Infrastructure Design – Large Project (over $500 Million)
Winning project: City Rail Link
Link Alliance, New Zealand
Building Design – Small Project (Less than $20 Million)
Winning project: Vigentina 9
Lombardini22 S.p.A, Italy
Building Design – Medium Project ($20 Million – $200 Million)
Winning project: WILD
Katrina Urbanik AS, Norway
Building Design – Large Project (over $200 Million)
Winning project: South Beach Psychiatric Center New In-patient Building
STV – Architectural Resources, United States
Construction – Small Project (Less than $100 million)
Winning project: Kallang Polyclinic and Long Term Care Facility
Tiong Seng Contractors Pte Ltd, Singapore
Construction – Medium Project ($100 Million – $500 Million)
Winning project: Multinational Data Center, Malmo
John Sisk & Son, Sweden
Construction – Large Project (Over $500 Million)
Winning project: Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Park
China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd, China