With so many working from home or feeling anxious and isolated due to COVID-19 uncertainty, I thought it might be a good thing to get together at least digitally to talk about tech, life, laugh, summer plans, and just socialize. We must not get isolated and sad and instead find new ways to reach out and connect and support each other.
What do you think, would you join a free Zoom video call to connect? It would be a Happy Hour and you bring your own drink, jokes, tips, and smile.
I'm trying tp organize the time and how to get the Zoom link to those interested and wanting to participate in the digital happy hour. I also know at Autodesk some employees have setup daily Zoom Lunches for teams to get together online and eat lunch and talk and this might be a good idea for you and your employees or family to try at least once every couple days and check in.
<Update> If you want to participate in a Zoom call at 5pm PST tomorrow 3/17/2020 please email me at shaan.hurley at autodesk.com
We are all in this together, so lets help each other out.