Thank You Bill Adams
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Congratulations Old Timers

At 22 years with Autodesk, many consider me an “old timer”,  but I'm really not compared to others at Autodesk. Internally back in the day Autodesk employees referred to themselves as “deskers”, and “old timers” was a term of respect for those with a 20 year gold badge or more.

Last week at the One Team Conference, we celebrated 35 years for Simon Jones of GCD (Autodesk Global Consulting Delivery). Simon has accomplished so much for AEC at Autodesk and consulting in those years. Its hard to fathom and also keep in mind Autodesk is only 38 years old, so when Simon joined it was a 3 year old start up and Simon was what, 16 years old?

Congratulations Simon! Hopefully for the 40 year recognition you will show up on stage. I know, you were busy working on a project.


We had a fun activity where all Autodesk employees in the room lined up by years at the company with Simon at one end and then a new hire clear over on the other side of the room.


Also Simon, taking in well deserved sun in Vegas, but still working.

Sunny Simon

4 longer “old timers” in the room than me at just 22 years.

4 longer “old timers” in the room than me at just 22 years.

I know of one other current Autodesk employee that has more time than Simon and that's Jerry Ford, a Senior Principal Experience Designer. Jerry is just over 35 years and coming up on 36 years having started back in 1984.

So I started digging or mining for more golden old timers that are still at Autodesk:

    • Jerry Ford ~36 years started 07/01/1984
    • Greg Suppes 35 years 01/28/1985
    • Simon Jones 35 years 07/22/1985
    • Ashok Gadangi  1986
    • Katinka Sante 1986
    • Kathie Clinton – 1987
    • Kieran McKeogh – 1987
    • Dieter Schlaepfer 32 years 1988
    • Christer Janson – 30 years and and luckily hired by us in 1990 instead of taking on a gig as a Swedish electronic metal band. That's my own story not founded in reality, and I'm sticking with it.

    213 employees have been at Autodesk 22 years or more!
    A sampling of employees at offices gives Birmingham the win.

    8 - Birmingham
    2 - Farnborough
    9 - San Rafael
    3 - San Francisco
    1 - Switzerland

Congratulations to all the Autodesk Old Timers!
