Keeping Portland Weird
13 December 2019
I've talked previously about the fun of finding the weirdness and fun of Portland creeping into the stairwell of our Portland office (Rats in Autodesk Portland Office). I wanted to give a quick update that the spontaneous and quirky fun continues - thankfully. This is a small example of the fun of Portland being a part of our beloved and historic Portland office. Employees love this office (aside from scarcity of parking) and this fun bit of creativity is an example of employees adopting the office as part of Portland and an extension of them in good fun and no harm in a stairwell.
I remember placing my coffee mug in the voids in the old brick wall like a shelf when our building was being renovated and I was laser scanning the entire building. It was a real surprise when after we moved into this building about a year and a half ago to find the first funny little things placed in those brick wall voids.
Here you can see the voids along the brick wall in the stairwell.They are the result of an old staircase removal in the renovation and seismic retrofit.
Here are some of the fun items seen on the wall.
Portland Fun in the Stairwell Video link: