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Start Your AU5K Training Tomorrow With This Easy Training Plan

AU5K 2017

Autodesk University is just over a month, a mere 48 days from now in November, and once again the highly popular AU5K is once again happening on Tuesday morning at AU with hundreds running, walking, and cheering last year. Autodesk CEO Andrew Anagnost even ran last year and has plans to run with us again this year. So please join me and everyone else at the AU5K and start preparing for it now with easy attainable steps building up. I started this AU5K a few years ago as a way to get exercise, get fresh air from outside the convention and casino, and to network and be with old and new friends and it grew from a couple people to a big deal. I am not a fast runner and still running with minor meniscus tear in my knee so if I can do it, you can too. Everyone is welcome to run the AU5k whether you signed up before in the sign up or not.

Here is the plan to get you ready for AU5K with the first day of training October 2nd (tomorrow) easily attainable and increases slowly with rest periods.

Day 1:
Run 5 minutes, walk 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.

So easy, and I will be doing this too.

You can do this, yes you can!

AU5K Tips and Training:

A Beginner’s Guide to Running: How to NOT Run like An Idiot!

5K Training Schedule starting Tuesday October 1st
”This six-week 5K training program is designed for beginner run/walkers who want to build up to running a 5K (3.1 miles) road race. This training schedule (see below) is a run/walk to a continuous running program. Each week, you'll make small increases in your running distance while making slight decreases in your walking intervals. At the end of six weeks, you'll be ready to run the 5K distance without walking break. (Although if you want to take walking breaks during the race, that’s fine, too.)
Although this schedule is for beginners, it's best not to use it if you've been inactive for the past three months or more. Ideally, to start this training program, you're able to run non-stop for 5 minutes. If you're a total beginner, build your fitness with a
four-week program to run 1 mile before taking on the 5K distance. If this schedule seems too easy, try a 6-week intermediate 5K training schedule.

You don't have to do your runs on specific days; however, you should try not to run two days in a row. Either take a complete rest day or do cross-training on the days in between runs. Cross-training can be cycling, yoga, swimming, or any other activity (other than running) that you enjoy. Strength-training two to three times a week is also very beneficial for runners, as well as being recommended for health in general.
If you find that this training program is moving too quickly (and you don't have a race deadline), you can stay on a week and repeat the workouts before moving on to the next week.”

Lets Do This!

Week 1 October 2-8

Day 1: Run 5 minutes, walk 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.
Day 2: Rest or cross-train.
Day 3: Run 6 minutes, walk 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.
Day 4: Rest.
Day 5: Run 7 minutes, walk 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.
Day 6: Rest or cross-train.
Day 7: Rest.

Week 2 October 9-15

Day 1: Run 7 minutes, walk 1minute. Repeat 3 times.
Day 2: Rest or cross-train.
Day 3: Run 8 minutes, walk 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.
Day 4: Rest.
Day 5: Run 9 minutes mile, walk 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.
Day 6: Rest or cross-train.
Day 7: Rest.

Week 3 October 16-21

Day 1: Run 10 minutes, walk 1 minute. Repeat 2 times.
Day 2: Cross-train.
Day 3: Run 12 minutes, walk 1 minute. Repeat 2 times.
Day 4: Rest.
Day 5: Run 13 minutes, walk 1 minute. Repeat 2 times.
Day 6: Rest or cross-train.
Day 7: Rest.

Week 4 October 22-28

Day 1: Run 15 minutes, walk 1minute. Repeat 2 times.
Day 2: Cross-train.
Day 3: Run 17 minutes, walk 1 minute, run 7 minutes
Day 4: Rest.
Day 5: Run 19 minutes, walk 1 minute, run 7 minutes.
Day 6: Rest or cross-train.
Day 7: Rest.

Week 5 October 29- November 4

Day 1: Run 20 minutes, walk 1 minute, run 6 minutes.
Day 2: Cross-train.
Day 3: Run 24 minutes.
Day 4: Rest.
Day 5: Run 26 minutes.
Day 6: Rest or cross-train.
Day 7: Rest.

Week 6  November 5th- November 12

Day 1: Run 28 minutes.
Day 2: Rest or cross-train.
Day 3: Run 30 minutes.
Day 4: Rest.
Day 5: Run 20 minutes.
I would suggest a fun training run in Vegas before the AU5K to acclimate. Tip is to not run during the busy sidewalk hours or you will be dodging rabid packs of tourists in various stages of sobriety and some odd street performers.
Day 6: Rest or cross-train.
Day 7: Rest.

AU5K Day: Run 3.1 miles in the AU5K Tuesday, Nov 12, 6:00 AM - 07:15 AM
