Augmented Reality - The End of Paper Drawings on the Construction Site
25 February 2019
Not quite yet, but things are continuing to move that direction with this weekends announcement of the new Microsoft HoloLens 2 augmented reality (mixed reality) headset. The ability to have more portable compute power as a heads up display overlaying information like construction drawings or a BIM model in context will change construction and manufacturing as well as other industries and things in daily life.
Microsoft HoloLens 2 hands-on: A giant leap closer to mixed reality
This AR is not just for catching Pokémon or games, it solves real problems. With the Microsoft HoloLens version 1, Phil Miller of our contractor Fortis Construction in our Autodesk Portland office to compare BIM model data (buzz word digital twin), scan data overlay, or installation instructions and planning. In one situation a complex wood install was necessary for reclaimed wood in a stairwell construction. The 2D drawings and 3D model wasn't quite enough for the installer to understand what was necessary and expected. In under 1 minute with a Hololens the installer knew exactly what was designed for that space in the spatial context of the floor.
With the update to Hololens 2 allowing more data, more processing, more field of view we are one step closer to construction workers with AR goggles showing them the latest issued 2D and 3D plans for the area they are in, the latest project data and notices, estimating the percent complete, QA/QC checks, clash detection, or for example the wiring diagram overlaid over the actual equipment or panel box to minimize misunderstanding and mistakes. Check out 3rd party developer VisualLive and how they have made HoloLens a real construction tool.
I believe AR will help address the waste due to missing information or errors in construction, including less paper drawings.