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FIRST FRC Mentor Day

Today is mentor day celebrating volunteer mentors for FIRST Robotics teams. I can speak as having been mentoring a FIRST FRC Team 1540 Flaming Chickens of Catlin Gabel in Portland Oregon for the past few years on why YOU should also get involved. The high school students tell me I help, but I'm not sure they are getting the better end of this volunteering deal as I get so much from being continually inspired by these students I could never repay that debt. The team in the first two years used Autodesk Inventor to CAD and design their entire competition robot and the past 2018 season moved to Autodesk Fusion 360.

FIRST FRC TEam 1540 Flaming Chickens

Team 1540 are such an amazing group of humans constantly surprising me at their depth of knowledge, innovation, collaboration, and sportsmanship. They also are concerned with more than just robots, they care about the world they will be entering and plan to make a difference but are not waiting and have have already had a big impact with many programs including their JuiceBox  and LEAP Competitions challenging robotics teams to design solutions that solve a real need for non profits organizations.

I would encourage anyone to volunteer with a local FIRST teams whether is is LEGO Robotics, FTC, or FRC teams, you wont regret it one bit and the students and teachers will welcome you. There will be times when you are humbled and so proud, you may even root them on as well as shed a tear at times with happiness. Do it.

Tomorrow is the big game reveal for the FIRST FRC Destination Deep Space when thousands of teams around the world will start the 6 weeks of design and build preparing for the first regional competitions. I cant wait!!!

Go Flaming Chickens and all FRC 2019 Teams!
