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Meet Our Autodesk CTO Scott Borduin

Autodesk recently announced a new Chief Technology Office “CTO” but its someone that already held this role. Scott Borduin retuned to the role of CTO and was actually our CTO 1999 to 2005 and was the person instrumental in selecting our last CEO Jeff Kowalski. So this is our second time working with Scott as Autodesk CTO.
Scott Borduibn Autodesk CTO

Scott didn't miss a beat in taking over the role for the company, and the Office of the CTO group affectionally known as OCTO which is also the group I belong to. It is also a nice surprise as not only have I worked with Scott in his past CTO duties, but he is also located in the Autodesk Portland office. I would encourage everyone to be watching Autodesk General Session in person with 10,000 people or live online at to not only see our CEO talk about Autodesk and our future but Scott will also be presenting in the General Session. The last time I seen Scott speak at AU was in 2004 and found photos.
Scott Borduibn Autodesk CTO 2004

Here is a great interview with Scott done recently by that can help you get to know our new CTO Scott Borduin Back in the Driver’s Seat: Scott Borduin Returns as Autodesk CTO. 

Scotts Bio
As Chief Technology Officer, Scott Borduin is responsible for future-proofing Autodesk and our customers in a dynamic technology environment.

Scott manages a diverse organization that includes advanced research, applied research, customer validation, research community engagement, and thought leadership. Scott’s organization provides strategic foresight to Autodesk and its customers across a broad range of emerging technologies, in areas such as Generative Design, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Geometry, advanced Simulation, IOT, Robotics, Material Science, Augmented Reality, and Human Computer interaction. These technologies are key to Autodesk’s mission of transforming our customers’ design to make processes.

Scott has over 30 years’ experience in Computer Aided Design, Engineering, and Manufacturing. He came to Autodesk in 1993 with the acquisition of Woodbourne, Inc, which he co-founded. Scott was subsequently Senior Architect on the Inventor product, and then Autodesk CTO from 1999 to 2005. After spending six years in the non-profit sector, he came back to Autodesk in 2012 and held a number of senior technology strategy roles before returning to the CTO position in 2018.

Scott holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan.
