Pride 2018 in Portland
Calling All Autodesk Product Experts

Not at AU London this week?

Could make the trip for on reason or another? The AU team has you covered! with the live stream of the keynotes.

AU London kicks off today, chock full of classes and learning sessions, mind-expanding keynotes, interactive exhibits, and receptions for networking with your peers. If you want to discover what lies ahead for the future of making and building, London’s Tobacco Dock is the place to be today.

Can’t be there? You can still get in on the learning. Tune in to the AU London 2018 live stream to see the keynotes from CEO Andrew Anagnost and Director of Robotics within the Office of the CTO, Erin Bradner, along with others. They’ll be discussing the convergence of the manufacturing, construction, and production industries, fueled by new developments in automation and artificial intelligence. They’ll also be talking about how these changes are shaping the future of work and the evolving roles within industry, and how Autodesk is investing in training the workforce of tomorrow.”

