Imagine Making a Part 40% Lighter While Exceeding the Strength of the Original
Raspberry Pi Starter Kit from Pimoroni to Give Away

Remember that Time in Vegas?

Autodesk University 2015, oh yeah, May the Fourth Be With You! A popular and fun May 4th pun on the Star Wars “May the Force Be With You.”

Autodesk product sessions, networking, tattoos, gelato, dancing, singing, and fun. What happens at Autodesk University Las Vegas, doesn't stay in Vegas.

Autodesk University 2015 Fun!

Conference bathroom lines aren’t fun for anyone.


Skinny Jeans??? #NOPE
Skinny Jeans + StormTrooper - NOPE

In honor of May The Fourth several Autodesk offices have Star Wars playing in common areas including the shiny new Autodesk Portland office.

Star Wars in Portland Office

Need more Star Wars this May the Fourth?
Ultimate Star Wars Fanatic Evan Atherton and Troopers

Watch the award wining short film made by Autodesk employee Evan Atherton
Artoo in Love” at
