Girls Generation Event 2017
09 October 2017
The Girls Generation robotics event was held this weekend and hosted by Catlin Gabel’s FIRST Robotics team 1540 Flaming Chickens of Portland Oregon.
Several FIRST teams from around the Pacific Northwest brought their FIRST FRC robotics competition robots from last season to compete with only their girl team members participating. It was an amazing and inspiring event for all and especially younger girls watching the girls competing.
The Red Alliance of teams 2811, 1540, and 753 won in the finals with 218 vs 95 points against the Blue Alliance of 5468, 3131, and 3711.
Huge thank you to all that participated from the teams, parents, mentors, schools, and sponsors.
Here are some photos from the event.
From Robots to Retrievers. At the end of the event, the whiffle balls were given away since they won’t be used any longer. My 13 week old golden retriever puppy Cooper absolutely loves the 3 whiffle balls I took home.
I hope PNW FIRST FRC Teams are planning to participate in FIRST Fair and the LEAP design competition in 2 weeks! Autodesk has provided some big prize money for the winning teams of LEAP.
FIRST Fair 2017