Autodesk University 2017 Registration Open Aug 9th
Meet Cooper the Puppy

Fusion 360 Update 8.8.17 Honk if You Love Sheet Metal

A great update went live today for Autodesk Fusion 360.
Fusion 360 August 8, 2017 Update

Holy Fusion 360 Sheet Metal Batman!

You should update your Fusion 360, kick the tires and read about the update and awesome contest and prizes including Autodesk University 2017 passes.
August 8, 2017 Update – What’s New

Fusion 360 Sheet Metal Challenge

Fusion 360 Sheet Metal Challenge
”To celebrate the release of sheet metal in Fusion 360, we’re putting on a brand new sheet metal-themed challenge.  One of our team members needs a new bumper for his truck and we need YOU to help design a new sheet metal bumper.  Can you think of any better way to get your feet wet with new functionality than to design and manufacture a real world part?  Plus, there are some sweet prizes in store for those who submit one of the top designs (North America residents only, sorry to all our international friends).  We teamed up with 3D scanning company FARO to scan the front end of the truck and turned it into a template for you to use.  So let your creative juices flow and start creating your own bumper design.”

If you are located in beautiful Portland Oregon, join us for the meetup August 23rd. we are not only bring Mike Prom, a Fusion 360 Product Mgr.a sheet metal rockstar, but also beer and pizza.
Fusion 360 Meetup: Summer Sheetmetal Challenge!

Fusion 360 is so metal!
