Pup on Wheels
Thinking Big with Generative Design

Kids at Autodesk Day

Kids at Autodesk Day in Lake Oswego Oregon

This has to be one of my favorite days of the year at the office, and I remember my grown children attending back in the San Rafael HQ office many years ago. Our employees bring their children in and each office organizes a series of activities. In our Lake Oswego, Oregon office (Portland), we held our Kids at Autodesk Day last Friday.

Kids at Autodesk DayKids at Autodesk Day

The kids from young to older teenagers signed in and got their own Autodesk badges and then a welcome orientation on the day. Parents didn't drop their offspring off to be entertained but they actively participated together in the activities.

The assortment of activities were designed for different age groups and included design and program a design/program a FIRST Lego Robot, VR exhibit, Makey Makey where you could create and play a banana piano and more, you solved some puzzles with some small robots that changed colors of lights and follower marker writing, some hands on tutorials with Autodesk’s Sketchbook Tinkercad and Maya,  pizza eating, and design and assemble a fidget spinner using Fusion 360 and then machine it.

It is a great way for kids to see what their parent or guardians do at Autodesk as well as have some fun and learn how to make things.
Kids at Autodesk Day in Lake Oswego Oregon

Some parents apparently tried to get the children to get the adults work done.

Kids at Autodesk Day in Lake Oswego Oregon

View of kids in our 5th floor lobby, from the UAV. Good luck trying to escape, kids.
Kids at Autodesk Day in Lake Oswego Oregon

Some kids played on the bean bags, just like us adults.

Kids at Autodesk Day in Lake Oswego Oregon
