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Autodesk 2018 Products

Some of the Autodesk 2018 products have been released from beta and available for download now. The two main ones I am aware of are AutoCAD 2018 and Autodesk Inventor 2018.


AutoCAD 2018 (beta codename Omega):
Many changes under the hood including major performance improvements but some also required changes to the DWG file format. We had been trying to hold off on impact to file formats but over the past 5 years the time had come with all the queued up changes to change the file format. I can assure you the changes were due to software architecture.

2018 (beta codename Elon):

In addition to performance under the hood there are a lot of enhancements including the following:

Please note that not all 2018 products are released from beta or non disclosure agreements. If you have questions and are in an active beta please ask your questions in the private beta forums.