Autodesk Feedback Community Planned Outage January 28th, 2017
Happy Birthday Gift to BTL Readers

Happy 35th Birthday Autodesk!

calipersHappy 35th Birthday Autodesk

On this day 35 years ago in Mill Valley California, Autodesk was founded. Our customers and partners around the world (technically outer space as well) have done so many amazing things over the past 35 years, and so many amazing things yet to come.

Today, many are wearing Autodesk old memorabilia such as old shirts and sharing old stories. I am wearing my “AutoCAD R14 Faster, Smarter, Better” tee shirt.
I have an office full of my old Autodesk shirts with some on good shape and others not so good and none of them ironed.
Autodesk Shirts

Coworkers are stopping by to show me their shirts and memorabilia today.
2017-01-30 09.33.392017-01-30 09.20.212017-01-30 10.34.47

Mike had his original Autodesk badge, and while it was obscured I found a cleaner version of his early day employee photos. He is probably going to kill me for this or at least sick his dog on me but I am doing it in the interest of Autodesk historical record and for all those that know Mike over the many years back into the CompuServe days.

In complete fairness, here is my old Autodesk badge from 1998.
Shaan in 1998 joining Autodesk

I started using Autodesk products as a customer about ~25 years ago with AutoCAD R10, and 3DS R3 for DOS and accepted an offer top join Autodesk in 1997 in the AutoCAD R14 team on the Beta Team.

Since AutoCAD R10

Please email me photos and stories from the past 35 years of Autodesk.

Here is to the next 35 years and everything that will be accomplished. If the past 35 years is any indication of the future, the next 35 years will be absolutely amazing.



PS: Stay tuned for a post of some of the parties, memories, and photos of the old memorabilia.
