Mr. Hurley's Neighborhood is Under Attack
A Rematch of AutoCAD Family Feud is In Order

When Technology Goes Bad but So Good

I seen this image on Twitter yesterday and it made me laugh out loud so I thought I would share on this Friday.


Most smartphones have a panoramic photo mode where the phone stiches photos together into one wide panoramic photo after you pan the camera. Well technology is not always perfect but in this case it was so perfectly weird that it was better than just a panoramic photos with a cat waking through.

2016-12-01 18.49.34
Seen on @YouHadOneJ0B

As the cat walked by when the person was shooting the pano it resulted in the centipede cat. Please don’t start rumors and internet conspiracy theories that this is a real cat with multiple legs and 9 feet long. Can you imagine the cat box or foot long hair balls coughed up on the floor?
