Wonderful Weekend in the Columbia Gorge
28 March 2016
I hope you enjoyed your weekend, I certainly did enjoy mine. It has been almost a year since I moved back to Oregon. I am certainly enjoying the outdoors and being back here after 18 long years away.
Yesterday I spent the day hiking up Eagle Creek just past the picturesque Punch Bowl Falls. There were even two guys in helmets and wetsuits attempting to swim down the rain fuelled creek over the falls. The day ended in Hood River Oregon with Big Horse Brew Pub for great food and a rye beer, Logsdon Tasting Room for the infamous and rare Peche ‘n Brett gold winning angelic fragrant peach beer, then my favorite Double Mountain Brewery. If you are ever in Oregon or Washington state, you certainly must spend some time hiking in the Gorge and then in Hood River even if only to watch the windsurfers on the Columbia River.
If you put in the effort hiking you can reward yourself in Hood River with some of the finest views and beverages around.
I am already looking forward to next weekends outdoor adventures. If you are headed up this way sometime in the future, give me a holler for some tips and suggestions, a trail partner or point you to the finest beverages brewed from the earth.