(3D textured model of wood statue of Ganesha photographed in Bali Indonesia and used Autodesk Memento to generate 3D model from photos)
I received some great news from our Autodesk Memento Team of a newly posted free technology preview build which has several new enhancements. Memento is a Swiss army knife for 3D model repair and creation. Read More at: http://memento.autodesk.com
“Most notable news is the first ever 3D printing prep for huge mesh models (native resolution of Memento models).which is a huge deal for 3D printing.
And here the list of all other (and not less important) improvements:
- New 3D print environment for printing on Autodesk Ember at high res (down to 10 micron per layer) with hollow and lattice-fill function.
- New coordinate points feature to set scale/coordinate system (for interoperability with ReCap, for making comparison between two states of a model easier)
- New boundary/edge-loop selection tool for smart one-click selection of holes or edges
- Smart crop and texture option re-enabled in the Advanced tools of the Create from 3D panel
- Improved extrude & fill tool
- Widgets for most mesh operations, they are now easier to use
- Preview for turntable video export for predictable and controllable outcome
- Splitting the screen in 2 or 4 view windows
- New fast texture re-baking for large models and with new “max resolution" option. Now supports export of normal maps for Obj export.
- New tool panel options for changing color scheme of the UI for those who work in dark schemes and few more options
- Brush selection tool is snappier
- New RCM file format for optimized mesh operations”