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Autodesk University 2015 Morning Runs

AU 2104 Morning Runs

Autodesk University Morning Runs

It is that time of the year and Autodesk University is fast approaching. Everyone has a very busy schedule at the big Las Vegas event, but sadly most of it is indoors and sitting down. I organized a couple runs down the Las Vegas strip last year and it went very well and so why not do it again.

If you are attending Autodesk University and are interested in some early morning fun runs sign up below. This is not a race or fast run but a easy run and organized so that you can run a mile and a half or 3. Trust me it can be quite entertaining seeing the Las Vegas strip at 6:00am and also cleanse the mind of the PowerPoint fog and start the days off fresh and meet some people and grab breakfast, coffee, or a smoothie afterwards.

You wont win a medal in this race but it is a great way to start the day with some fresh air.

Let me know if you are interested by completing the short form!

I hope to see and hopefully run with you at Autodesk University!

