Using UAVs in Searches for Missing Dog
07 July 2015
So many times when you say the word “drone” people think of negative things or when you mention UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) or UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) people think of annoying flying toys and privacy issues, but they are so much more and far more positive uses that unfortunately get less coverage.
As a veteran UAV/UAS pilot for Autodesk, I use UAV/UAS mostly for capturing photos and video of architecture and to generate 3D models using technology like Autodesk Memento or Autodesk Recap 360 or using the UAS to document a research project we are working on or researching with a partner. Autodesk actually has a company policy due to the potential liabilities or regulation compliance and not just anyone can fly as an Autodesk employee without training and approval. We have flown various models of UAV/UAS all over the world.
- This weekend a new positive use of one of our UAV/UAS was encountered by us with one of the Autodesk unmanned quad-rotor craft. While enjoying the US holiday the Fourth of July at the Oregon Coast I received a message asking for my assistance in assisting in the search for a missing Search and Rescue and Assistance dog named “”Rok” in St. Helens Oregon. Lorraine Churchill a contact I know from participation in the Field Innovation Team (FIT) a disaster response team requested aerial assistance to help look at the fields for the missing dog. The aerial search would clear a majority of the grassland from searchers having to search it on foot but on the ground they may miss the dog who may not be alive at this point. A large black dog would be so easy and obvious to spot from 50-400 feet up using the real-time high definition viewing of the UAV/UAS. With the UAV/UAS we easily flew many missions over fields and a few square miles of land with several owners permission but did not see the dog and this allowed searchers to now place focus on the wooded creek areas instead of the grass fields and pastures.
If you should find a black Labrador Boxer mix in the St Helens and Yankton Oregon area please contact Steve at (503) 369-2893
Some photos and video from the search Sunday July 5th, 2015
The UAV/UAS I flew for the search was a DJI Inspire 1 quad rotor.