Happy 2015
05 January 2015
It will take another few months before I get used to writing and saying 2015, but it offers all of us another fresh start if only on the calendar. If you had a less than stellar year then this is your fresh year to make it a good one or complete your resolutions or goals.
Last year 2014 was simply an amazing year for me and one of the best in recent memory overall with several Autodesk related product and project highlights. From having the honor to work as a SCUBA diver on the USS Arizona and participating in the technology assistance on the OSO Washington Mudslide disaster to the announcements by Autodesk that all our software is free to all students and faculty and even the announcement of the new Autodesk Ember 3D printer and the Autodesk Spark open 3D printer platform and fund. I will highlight the projects and announcements this week including some never before told facts and experiences.
Most importantly I want to thank all of you for reading Between the Lines over almost 12 years going strong. I also want to thank all my Autodesk colleagues, customers, family, friends, and of course the Internet for allowing this blog to live.
If you have any suggestions on topics or improvements or just a kind word of thanks to motivate me to continue for many more years email me.
Shaan Hurley