Autodesk's 33 Year Anniversary
30 January 2015
On this day January 30th, 1982, 33 years ago a small group of people held an initial meeting in Marin County California to organize what became Autodesk. They risked it all including all the money they could scrape together and it paid off for millions of people from employees, customers, partners, and investors.
33 years have passed or:
396.0 months
1,721.8 weeks
12,053.0 days
289,272.6 hours
17,356,358.1 minutes
1,041,381,488 seconds
A sincere thank you to John Walker and all the ‘deskers’ that followed in the founders and pioneers footsteps to this day as you literally changed the world, and still continue to 33 years later. There are not many high tech companies with this long of a track record except Adobe, IBM, Microsoft etc. but it is definitely a small club.
Autodesk Flying founders
From left to right:
Rudolf Künzli, Mike Ford, Dan Drake, Mauri Laitinen, Greg Lutz, David Kalish, Lars Moureau, Richard Handyside,Kern Sibbald, Hal Royaltey, Duff Kurland, John Walker, Keith Marcelius
John Walker’s quote.
“We should shoot for having the company in operation by mid-March. We cannot dawdle, but we also are going to do it right this time. We're just going to do it fast! “
Thank you everyone former Autodesk employees, current Autodesk employees, partners, and most importantly our customers!
Onward and Upward!
As a side note I just celebrated my 17th year with Autodesk last week.