AutoCAD Save (Three Different Ones)
21 January 2015
This guest post is by Scott Wilcox who has a blog named Frozen Layers Scott is a an AutoCAD and Civil 3D user and DIY kind of guy and as self reported an unconfirmed snorer.
SAVE is one of the most common AutoCAD commands; we all know what it does, but did you know there’s more to save than just the little floppy disk icon? Here’s a look at the ins and outs of saving files, and pass the savings on to others!
Save, Save, Save
The typical ‘save’ is actually the AutoCAD command QSAVE; there are 3 different save commands: QSAVE, SAVEAS, and SAVE.
QSAVE is the little floppy disk icon on the Quick access toolbar. It is called Save (Ctrl+S) in the application menu (see image at right), but it is actually QSAVE. (Click either of these buttons, and you'll see on the command line: _QSAVE.) QSAVE saves your drawing at its current point with the existing name. If the drawing has not ever been saved, or is read-only, a dialog box will appear.
SAVEAS saves your current drawing, but prompts for a file name, and continues in the new filename.
For example, "Test.dwg" is current. You SAVEAS, a dialog box appears, and enter the filename "Example.dwg"; AutoCAD creates a new save file: "Example.dwg" and continues in "Example.dwg". The file "Test.dwg" is unchanged, since SAVEAS creates a new drawing file.
SAVE is actually a lesser known command, and can only be executed at the command line. It performs the opposite of SAVEAS: it writes a new file, but continues in the current file.
For example "Test.dwg" is current. You SAVE (command line only, remember) the file, a dialog box appears, and you enter the filename "Excerpt.dwg". AutoCAD creates a new file "Excerpt.dwg", but continues in the "Test.dwg" file. This may come in handy if you want to create a ‘snapshot’ of your existing drawing.
In Summary:
QSAVE: Saves drawing with current filename.
SAVEAS: Saves drawing as new name, continues in new name.
SAVE: Saves drawing as new name, continues in old name. (Command line only)
While these differences are indeed subtle, I’m sure we can all see advantages of each in specific situations! Keep saving!
Thank you Scott of the Frozen Layers from us here at Between the Lines for your great tip on AutoCAD SAVE!
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