They Grow Up So Very Fast - Happy Birthday Katie
31 July 2014
My daughter Katelyn "Katie" turns 13 years old, and becomes an official teenager tomorrow which is technically now in Australia which is now 12:00AM August 1st, 2014 in Perth. She has always been my princess and it is both an honor and pleasure to watch her grow from a baby to the beautiful smart young lady she is today and for her to call me dad. Reaching 13 is another big milestone in life and makes me realize how fast our kids grow up and each moment is precious. I have two older boys one 20 and one 23 and their teenage years seemed to blast past at lightening speed. I wish I could as a parent go back and stop them growing just for periods of time to spend more time when they are little and along the milestones of their lives, but time moves on constantly and you must not waste it.
Enjoy your children, build memories with them, and cherish each and every minute as they grow up so fast and then move on with their own lives.
I will never forget the first time I posted about her on this blog and she was 2 years old in February 2004 and using an early Windows TabletPC with Autodesk AutoCAD 2005 My New HP Tablet PC TC1100 & AutoCAD 2005.
Memories captured digitally freezing time and bringing smiles.
Happy Birthday to my amazing daughter Katie, I love you to the moon and back and infinity and back!
-Shaan aka Dad