Dude - Where's My iPad Mini
11 July 2014
An acquaintance of mine Luke Freiler shared with me an experience that I have had nightmares about.
Luke was driving to work and realized his iPad Mini was missing and didn't know where it was. Hopefully on the kitchen counter at home I am sure was the thought in Luke's mind.They used Apple's Find My iPhone/iPad app and to his horror it was on the freeway, still alive.
They rushed to find it but located it a little too late as it had been run over like an expensive freeway speed bump and was now DOA.
They cautiously searched the location of the iPad along the freeway and then gathered the remains. Since they had AppleCare they could most likely just get it replaced at the Apple Store. The only problem was the only part of the iPad that missing and not able to be found was the identification and serial number which is required to get your device replaced by Apple. They require the serial number plate to prevent fraud.
Two lessons I took away from this story, one was knowing the the Apple's Find my iPhone/iPad app actually works very well, but also accidently leaving your iPad on the top of your car and driving down the freeway is not a good idea. I always worry when I am in a hurry I will leave things on top of my vehicle.
Now I always think of Luke when getting into my Jeep and ask myself did I leave anything on the roof as I was putting everything in the vehicle.