AutoCAD 2015 Service Pack 1 Released
11 June 2014
We have released a AutoCAD 2015 Service Pack 1 and Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2015 Service Pack 1 to improve the quality of the products by addressing issues found and reported.
Please make sure to read the important details in the ReadMe document about what has been addressed and important installation notes.
Every time you experience an “unplanned exit” from AutoCAD please make sure to send in a CER report as this is where we get a great deal of clues on the problems details and possible methods to fix it in a hotfix or service pack.
Download the AutoCAD 2015 SP1:
AutoCAD 2015 Service Pack 1 and Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2015 Service Pack 1
As a result of the detailed information that we received from customers who used the Customer Error Reporting Utility (CER), several problems were identified and fixed. Updates have been made in the following commands and features:
DB Connect
- Occasional crashes when using DB Connect feature on 64-bit machines with 4GB and more RAM.
Status Bar
- Occasional crashes when opening drawing file when a bubble notification is still displayed.
New Tab
- Occasional crashes when clicking New in the Quick Access Toolbar or the Start Drawing tile on the New Tab page.
- Occasional crashes when clicking the New Tab Plus button after adding LayerFilterComboControl or Filter in the CUI dialog box.
Design Center
- Occasional crashes when inserting a block from Design Center on the second time.
- Occasional crashes when selecting the "Fully open the drawing file" option that displays when opening a drawing that was saved in the partial open state.
- Occasional crashes when exiting AutoCAD.
3D Modeling
- Using the ViewCube dropdown for selecting a saved UCS will not accept UCS names that contain a space.
- The SCALE command is not applied correctly for scale factors less than 1/100th.
- Cursor trails will display on the screen for users with Optimus or Dynamic Switchable Graphics technology.
- Lineweight is applied and displayed for solid hatch objects.
- Additional lines display in the selection highlighting for a solid hatch object.
- Hatch objects do not apply LAYLOCKFADECTL or XDWGFADECTL.
- The angle of a gradient changes the appearance of that gradient.
- Solid hatch objects display the edge color.
- ViewCube will appear on plots under certain conditions.
- Unable to execute SendCommand API in multiple drawings.
- The number of recently used files accepts a maximum of 10. The maximum has been restored to 50.
Security Hotfix
- This Service Pack includes the Autodesk AutoCAD Security Hotfix. This Service Pack can be applied whether that security hotfix was originally applied to your system or not.
- If you have Autodesk ReCap 2015 installed together with AutoCAD 2015, please install Autodesk ReCap 2015 Hotfix 1 via Autodesk Application Manager.
New CURSORBADGE System Variable
CURSORBADGE (System Variable)
Controls the display of visual aide badges near the cursor.
Type: Integer
Saved in: Registry
Initial value: 2
1 - Turn off all new badges
2 - Turn on all badges (Default)
Badges that will be disabled:
- Selection - cross and window selection
- Inspection
- Deletion
- Copy
- Move
- Rotate
- Scale
- Zoom
- Add vertex
- Covert to arc
- Hatch inherit property