Hour of Code Project
Moon Express MX-1 - To the Moon!

AU 2013 Shoe Story - Call the Fashion Police

My AU2013 ShoesThought I would share my funny and a bit embarrassing story from last week for everyone to have a midweek laugh at my expense.

Last week at Autodesk University in Las Vegas I got caught speechless while getting my shoes shined before a reception. I figured I needed to look my best. I should have done it earlier before a lunch with Carl Bass or sitting on a technology panel in front of a crowd and I will tell you why.

I went to AU with two pairs of dress shoes and both were similar in looks. I would have shined them myself but I did not have a shoe shine kit and a very nice guy was in the convention center so it just made sense to sit down for a couple minutes and get a shine and some great conversation. So I sat down and was getting a nice shoeshine done and the nice guy shining my shoes looks to me and said "sir, do you have two pairs of dress shoes". I thought "this is amazing, Vegas is full of magicians and psychics". So I asked him how did he know, he said "well you have one of each on your feet."

My brain went Pffffft.....

And at just that moment of panic an Autodesk colleague Severin Wille pops in and captures a photo of me.

Me in two different shoe styles - just realized this fashion mistake

Luckily in all the high profile things I did that day, not a single person noticed I was wearing two separate shoe styles. I wont be taking similar shoes to future events and not dress in the dim light morning light so fast. Now I have one shined shoe of each and they really stand out.

