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Summer Is Basically Over

Autodesk University 2013 Registration Opens Today

Autodesk Univesrity 2013In only 82 days Autodesk University 2013 will be happening in Las Vegas, but you can register and select your classes starting today. Autodesk University is the premier Autodesk event and I would easily argue the best concentration of design and visualization professionals anywhere, at one time. There are over 650 classes and labs as well as the social networking opportunities.

This is an event that you will never forget what you learned, who you met, and what you saw. Don't leave what you learned in Vegas, take it back to the home office and share the knowledge and new contacts in your industry.

Go Register Today

Today marks the culmination of 9 months of effort to bring you a conference that will help you learn new techniques, explore new technologies, learn about the latest trends, make new business connections, and quite simply, expand your professional mind.

This year we’ve worked hard to make registration easier by uniting the AU online universe with the rest of Autodesk. Now you’ll use your Autodesk account (Autodesk ID) to register for the event. If you don’t have an account, no worries. You can easily create one when you register. Read the FAQ to learn more.

We’ve updated our website to help you find all of the preconference events scheduled for Monday, the classes and hands-on labs that might interest you, and other activities that are taking place during the conference.

And if your focus is product design and manufacturing, this year is particularly special. You’ll want to check out the Product Design & Manufacturing page to see all that we have planned for you.

We’ve also gathered all of the activities and class highlights for other industries into focused pages for AEC, Infrastructure, and Oil & Gas, Media & Entertainment, and Education.

AU classes fill quickly—don't miss out!  Sign up early (by October 20) and save up to $500 too.
