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Autodesk Project Chronicle for AutoCAD, Inventor, and Revit

Autodesk Project ChronicleHave you ever had to train someone else on how to do something in software using text, images, or even video? I bet the majority of you have, and while videos with narrations are a great way to train someone especially over the web the actual details and technical steps of what you are doing are sometimes not included in the narration or clear enough in the video or text instructions.

With Autodesk Project Chronicle currently on Autodesk Labs you get the best of all worlds with an interactive video, narration and the actual indexed steps from the actual Autodesk product Project Chronicle helps you create & share your own free interactive video training materials for AutoCAD, Revit, and Inventor. You can choose to make them private for internal training or share with the world.

Check out Project Chronicle and capture, share or learn some knowledge:

Download Project Chronicle via Autodesk Labs Today

Project Chronicle Website: where there are many Chronicle lesson captures available to view and learn in your browser.

Project Chronicle Website

Chronicle lesson for Autodesk Inventor:
Create a 3D Weldment From a 2D AutoCAD File by Paul.Normand Recorded With Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014

Chronicle lesson for AutoCAD Map 3D
Query to Filter by CADTechnologyCenter Recorded With AutoCAD Map 3D 2014

Chronicle lesson for AutoCAD Map 3D

