Autodesk Remote Released for Subscription Customers
07 August 2013
I showed this technology for the first time publicly in June when it was called Project Blink running Autodesk Inventor from an iPad but you can also use a PC to access another workstation. The one big benefit I noticed is the lower latency than any other remote solution I have used. So if you are an Autodesk Subscription customer go to the Autodesk Exchange and give Autodesk Remote a try. It is currently for North America only.
From the Autodesk Digital Prototyping Blog:
“Anyone that pays close attention to the Autodesk® Exchanges Apps may have noticed a new addition in the last week. This new application is called Autodesk® Remote, and is available to download as a subscription only benefit, and is aimed at users who need to access their workstation and associated applications from a remote location without the traditional interface performance issues associated with it. Click here to go to the Autodesk Exchange Apps store.”
Autodesk Remote in the Autodesk Exchange