Autodesk ReCap Photo Updated & Spiral Tooth Shark 3D Model
20 August 2013
An updated Autodesk ReCap Photo is now available. Create high quality professional grade 3D models from photos including high resolution TIFF images. This is the product that is the professional higher resolution version of the extremely popular consumer focused Autodesk Photofly which then became the current Autodesk 123D Catch which is free.
Recently I visited with my friend Brock down at Fossilogic and captured some of his rare fossils in 3D using only my digital camera and then processing the photos using Autodesk ReCap Photo. One was of a Woolly Mammoth and the other a spiral tooth shark. Both of these as well as many others Brock works on for museums are the original fossils. The Spiral Tooth Shark (Helicoprion) was found stuck in a coal seam in a Utah coal mine and I am told many fossils are found in these coal mines after all coal is remnants of ancient plant material.
Using only 38 high resolution TIFF photos to automatically create a highly detailed 3D model and export the 3D geometry with textures to OBJ format and open in 3ds Max in minutes is amazing. There is no way I could accurately model some objects in 3D and texture them in the short time it takes to photograph and process them in Autodesk online image based modeling service Autodesk ReCap Photo.
Here is the Spiral Tooth Shark Tooth in 3ds Max showing the geometry and and a rendered frame.
Here is the Wooly Mammoth Skull model created using photos and ReCap Photo.
If you look closely, it even captured the geometry of the remnants of the mammoths left tusk.
You can capture many more things as textured 3D models using ReCap photo even out of this world items like meteorite specimens to most things around you provided they are not shiny and you properly photograph them following the instructions.