AutoCAD Tip - UCS Command Default
06 August 2013
If you use an AutoCAD based product for 3D work you will have to consider using the UCS to change views to work on the model.
A common question from AutoCAD users when using the UCS is:
”Is there a method to have the UCS command always default to either TOP or WORLD regardless of what view is selected from VIEW TAB?”
This solution was by AutoCAD Test Development’s Chris Miller.
If you switch to the AutoCAD Ribbon’s View tab and cycle through the views on the Views panel (Right, Back NE Isometric, etc.) you’ll see the UCS changes with each view.
If you launch VIEW (dialog appears) > Expand Preset Views > Select one of the views (like Top) > Set Restore Ortho UCS to No (default is Yes) > OK
Now when you toggle through the views the WCS (default/Top view’s UCS) is retained.
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