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A Blog is Like Having a Baby

I have been blogging continuously for 10 years as of next week August 21st, 2013. I get asked by people all the time about starting a blog. I usually ask them what is motivating them to blog and what do they know about blogging. You really don’t want to start a blog on a whim or just to satisfy some short term goal as starting a blog is like having a baby. It really is as you have to give it life and feed it regularly even when you don’t feel like writing a blog post, and occasionally change its diapers. I have seen far too many blogs start and then go silent for multiple reasons and that is why I ask people to think long and hard about the long term goals and plans before launching a blog. Remember that if your blog goes silent it lives pretty much for ever on the Internet and people will see the stagnant blog and you will have some subscribers and regular readers that feel jilted. One suggestion is to guest author articles on existing blogs like this one (email me) and get your feet wet before jumping in with both feet for the long commitment.

Nice cartoon Simplified Blogging by Jon Atkinson of the Wrong Hands blog.

simplified blogging
