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AutoCAD Tip: My Delete Key, Double Click & Layer Control are Not Working


Setting AutoCAD 2014 PICKFRIST System Variable at ther Command line

The Autodesk product teams receive several emails from the Autodesk Product Feedback Form. Your feedback goes to the products teams and they read them. In many cases team members respond if there is enough detail and time permitting but they can’t respond to every feedback submission, but do try to help when they can.

This solution on the AutoCAD PICKFIRST System Variable is by AutoCAD Test Development’s Misha Belilovskiy.

Oh Pick Me, Pick Me, Pick Me” like a little kid being wanting to be chosen for the dodgeball game in gym class.


This has to be one of the most common of all AutoCAD questions and issues encountered by AutoCAD users. They become puzzled when this system variable is set to 0 by accident, errant Lisp or script or perhaps evil coworkers messing with them. The most common clue is their Delete key and double click and Layer control are not working.

The solution while not obvious is an easy fix.

Set your PICKFIRST system variable to 1. You do this by entering PICKFIRST at the command line.

The other most common is AutoCAD dialogs not working and that is due to FILEDIA variable set to 0 to instead of 1.
