The Autodesk product teams receive several emails from the Autodesk Product Feedback Form. Your feedback goes to the products teams and they read them. In many cases team members respond if there is enough detail and time permitting but they can’t respond to every feedback submission, but do try to help when they can.
This solution on the Menubar and Toolbars is by AutoCAD Test Development’s Chris Miller.
So you like to have AutoCAD look and feel like previous classic release. This is one of the powerful traits of AutoCAD and that is it can be customized seven ways from Sunday.
You can restore the standard Menubar and Toolbars by using the command: WSCURRENT and setting this system variable to AutoCAD Classic. In the more recent AutoCAD releases this setting is available from the quick access toolbar in the upper left of the screen:
Once this workspace is restored you can right-click any toolbar and check to display other toolbars you may want.
You can even get your current AutoCAD to look like AutoCAD R12 many many years ago.