Autodesk Labs continues to grow from its humble beginnings as an idea and a small webpage wrote over a weekend in 2006 to now being a mature valuable method to provide early technology for people to try for free in return for feedback. As you may know the technologies on Autodesk Labs are not yet features or products not even a beta and not guaranteed to become one, but they just might be someday like 123D Catch, Revit LT, Inventor Fusion, Project Vasari and several more successful Autodesk Labs graduates. Your feedback shapes and provides the valuable direction on what the technology previews and plugins become.
The Top Ten Autodesk Labs Downloaded Technology Previews for 2012
- Autodesk Vasari
- Project Falcon Standalone
- Autodesk Vasari Dynamo Addin
- Project Geppetto for 3ds Max / 3ds Max Design
- Feature Recognition for Inventor
- Google Earth Extension for AutoCAD-based products
- Project Basejump for AutoCAD Map 3D / AutoCAD Civil 3D
- 2D to 3D Tool for Inventor
- Interactive Terrain Shaping for AutoCAD Civil 3D
- Autodesk Vasari Parametric Sliders Addin
Note: Not all technology previews are currently active at the present time and may have retired or like Project Vasari graduated.
Top Ten ADN Plugins of the Month
- ScriptPro 2.0 for AutoCAD
- ThreadModeler for Inventor
- Level Generator for Revit Architecture
- TransTips for AIRMax
- DWF/PDF Batch Publish for AutoCAD
- RoomRenumbering for Revit
- DrawOrder by Layer for AutoCAD
- Wall Chamfer Fillet for Revit
- Clipboard Manager for AutoCAD
- HierarchyClone for Inventor
Note: ADN Plugins of the Month are mostly for 2012 products while plugins for 2013 products are located in the product’s Autodesk App Exchange.
Thank you sincerely for all your participation in Autodesk Labs and we hope you find more on Labs in 2013 and provide the valued feedback we need. If you have never tried any of the Autodesk Labs technology previews, please make it your New Years resolution to give them a try and lets us know what you think as we read an listen to all submitted feedback.