Don't be a Technology Armadillo
15 January 2013
I recently learned that the odd animal armadillo has very self destructive habits that threaten it’s very own survival. What the armadillo does that is so bad is that once it establishes a path, it continues to use it regardless of the changes and obstacles placed in its path. Part of this is due to its poor eyesight and it follows fence lines and other barriers to guide them but what about when a house or road is placed along that established armadillo path, the armadillo does not always adapt and runs into the object over and over. The friend who told me about this was living in a new apartment building and every once in awhile they would hear a loud “thud” sound outside on the wall. The thud sound turned out to be an armadillo running its long established path before the apartment building. This behavior also allows people to trap unwanted armadillos easily just by placing a trap on their established path or along a fence line. Armadillos are also known to jump when scared which is deadly when they are on a road and jump under a moving vehicle.
Adapt, Evolve, or Perish!
If you do not adapt and evolve when a new technology or challenge is in your path, you will be in the same blind peril as the armadillo. When your industry is changing like it is today in the design world with more 3D design, cloud computing, BIM, and Digital Prototyping, you must learn how to be adapt your skills and business to adapt, compete, and survive, or risk running into a wall or trap like an armadillo.
Don’t be a Technology Armadillo

Update: I should be more clear in that I am not saying all technology should be adopted, but it should be looked at especially if your industry is changing. Whether we like it or not, change is the one thing always occuring.