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APPHACK Winner PhotoGeoDWG

APPHACK @ AUAutodesk held a APPHACK competition at Autodesk University to get Autodesk Developer Network members to write an app and demo it live at AU.

AppHack Participants at AU 2012

One of the winner’s apps just went live on the Autodesk Exchange. PhotoGeoDWG took second place in the competition and is a really creative app allowing you to add camera markers to the raster images in your drawing. No more asking yourself or others “where is this location” when in a drawing file or in the field.


by CAD Management Resources
Compatible with:
AutoCAD 2012
AutoCAD 2013
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013

“Have you ever taken a bunch of existing conditions photos and after returning to the office wonder where and even why you took the picture? PhotoGeoDWG will help you manage those existing conditions photos by geolocating them in Google Maps and inserting camera markers into your CAD file. Build albums, automatically import camera markers hyperlinked with the location of the photo image file. Right click a photo name and zoom to the x-y location in your drawing. Click on the photo name and see it displayed conveniently in the palette, or insert the photo directly into the CAD file to better communicate to your field crew.”

Congratulations to CAD Management Resources! Stay tuned for more winning entries and their apps.

