Create 3D Models in Autodesk 123D Catch
AutoCAD 2012 for Mac Service Pack 2

Do You Want Early Access to Autodesk Products?

If you want early access and input on Autodesk products and technologies there are a couple of great and free methods.

If you want to get early access and participate in the feedback process of a beta program for existing products such as AutoCAD, Revit, Autodesk Inventor, 3ds Max, Maya etc. then you should definitely get involved in the Autodesk Customer Feedback Programs
Autodesk Customer Feedback Programs

If you want to test and provide feedback on early technology previews like the new Autodesk Inventor Fusion for Mac and PC or Project Vasari then Autodesk Labs is the place.
Autodesk Labs

Both of these programs rely on your feedback and active participation so go ahead get involved and help shape the future of Autodesk products and technologies to be the best tools for you.

