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Autodesk SketchBook Ink for iPad

Autodesk SketchBook Ink

The long awaited app Autodesk SketchBook Ink for the iPad has just launched in the Apple App store at an introductory price of $1.99. It took a couple weeks longer than we had expected, but we took the time to make sure it was the best possible experience rather than just shipping it end of April as it was announced and shown on the Apple iPad 3 main stage launch.
Like good wine, you do not want to ship it until it is ready.

Autodesk SketchBook Ink   Autodesk SketchBook Ink

“Unlike traditional vector drawing apps, SketchBook Ink enables users to produce very fine detail in their artwork, independent of resolution, building on the intuitive freehand-drawing Autodesk SketchBook Pro platform. This new technology also supports the ability to export and print large, high-quality images right from the iPad. Final artwork can be exported at optimal sizes to the photo library on iPad, email, Dropbox, or iTunes file sharing. Images exported to Dropbox or iTunes file sharing can exceed 100 megapixels.“

Go Get It!

Autodesk® SketchBook® Ink is an intuitive pen & ink drawing app. Built on a new resolution independent engine, SketchBook Ink lets you create beautiful line work and export high resolution images directly from your iPad.

✓ Introductory Tour Guide to help get your started
✓ Full Screen work space with support for any device orientation
✓ Retina Display on 3rd Gen iPad
✓Multi-Touch Interface:
• Two finger pan & zoom navigation

✓Preset Ink-styles:
• 7 different presets each with different line weight and behaviors
• 2 eraser types

• Color Editor & Color Picker
• Tap-hold customizable Color palette

✓Import a background image from the Photo Library as a reference

✓Export options
• Save up to 12.6 MP PNG images to Photo Library or e-mail.
• Save up to 101.5 MP PNG images to iTunes File Sharing or Dropbox
• Option to export as transparent PNG

• Store work-in-progress

✓Stay Current:
• Link to SketchBook News Blog
*Not recommended for 1st Gen iPad

I am currently in extremely remote Northern Kenya without my iPad so I am unable to download and test it  but I will definitely be adding it when I return home in over a week.

Hakuna Matata!
