New 123D Catch for Windows, Web Hosted, and Apple iPad Available and FREE
Saved From Being Eaten By Wild Animals

Autodesk 123D Make Available – Make 3D Models Real

In the first release of Autodesk 123D Make it was available for only the Mac and took imported 3D models and sliced them into patterns so that you could create a real 3D object. Now there is not only a new version of 123D Make for the Mac but also for Windows as well as a web hosted version.

Now you can take a 3D model from the community gallery or one you captured or created and create the pattern to create a cardboard 3D sculpture. You can select several methods and materials as well as get a nice animated assembly sequence. The generated pattern or plan can be exported and printed as an EPS or PDF with each piece mark on the plans for easy assembly. The numbers come in handy when you have a huge sculpture.

Imported 3D Shark Model

Here is a 3D shark model sliced up into a cardboard pattern. This a Maker version of sushi!

3D Shark Model Sliced into Cardboard!  Plans for the cardboard shark model.
Autodesk 123D Make Assembly Animation

A sliced up 3D pumpkinHere is the web hosted version that runs on the Google Chrome browser or with the Chrome frame extension in IE.



A cardboard skull from a 3 million year old human ancestor.I know of a person who used the generated pattern to print on school children's cardboard lunchboxes in Africa. After the children ate their lunch they were able to cut out and glue the pattern to create a skull of a 3 million year old human ancestor and learn a great deal about science as well as a cool 3D model to take with them.

The 123D products are free so go Design, Capture, Make, and Share!

