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Try AutoCAD LT 2013 without Downloading or Installing!

Autodesk Labs Innovation Edge April newsletterSome great news (as usual) was found in the April Edition of Autodesk Labs Innovation Edge newsletter. http://labs.blogs.com/apr2012/innovation_edge.htm



AutoCAD LT 2013 Online TrialYou can try the brand spanking new AutoCAD LT 2013 Online Trial without having to download or installing anything. No, this is not a late April Fools joke. The AutoCAD LT 2013 is running on our servers allowing you a fast, free, and effortless way to check out the new release. You may only see the download trial option if the online trial is too popular or your connection is not fast enough.

You should Subscribe to Innovation Edge and stay on top of all the latest in technology from Autodesk Labs.

